p{ cursor: pointer; } #particles-js { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 0; }



sound design

demo reel

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); const SOUNDS = { }; console.log(src); let audio = document.createElement('audio'); audio.src = src; audio.volume = 0.2; if (allowSound) { SOUNDS[fn] = audio; audio.className = fn; audio.play(); } audio.addEventListener('playing', goAudio); audio.addEventListener('ended', doneAudio); } function goAudio(ev) { console.log(ev.target.src, 'has started playing'); } function doneAudio(ev) { console.log(ev.target.src, 'has finished playing'); let fn = ev.target.className; SOUNDS[fn] = null; }

This is my sound design and Wwise implementation demo reel, featuring Unity’s 3D Game Kit. I recorded Foley sounds, edited and designed audio in Pro Tools, and implemented hundreds of assets using Wwise.

Key Details

  • Interactive Audio Design
  • Audio Implementation
  • Field Recording
  • Foley Recording
  • Dialogue Design

p{ cursor: pointer; } #particles-js { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 0; }

Unity Scripting


sound design

demo reel

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); const SOUNDS = { }; let allowSound = true; function init() { let p1 = document.querySelector('.wwise-hover'); let p2 = document.querySelector('.and-hover'); let p3 = document.querySelector('.sound-design-hover'); let p4 = document.querySelector('.demo-reel-hover'); p1.addEventListener('mouseover', play); p2.addEventListener('mouseover', play); p3.addEventListener('mouseover', play); p4.addEventListener('mouseover', play); } function play(ev) { let p = ev.currentTarget; ev.preventDefault(); let fn = p.className; let src = '/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/' + fn + '.wav'; if (SOUNDS[fn]) { SOUNDS[fn].pause(); SOUNDS[fn] = null; let audio = new Audio(src); audio.volume = 0.2; audio.play(); } console.log(src); let audio = document.createElement('audio'); audio.src = src; audio.volume = 0.2; if (allowSound) { SOUNDS[fn] = audio; audio.className = fn; audio.play(); } audio.addEventListener('playing', goAudio); audio.addEventListener('ended', doneAudio); } function goAudio(ev) { console.log(ev.target.src, 'has started playing'); } function doneAudio(ev) { console.log(ev.target.src, 'has finished playing'); let fn = ev.target.className; SOUNDS[fn] = null; }

I am excited to share my sound design and Unity scripting demo reel for the game Tanks. I recorded sounds from scratch for all game objects and used Pro Tools and various plugins to design them. 

I customized the existing C# code to create a more immersive and dynamic audio experience for the player. 

Key Details

  • Unity Implementation
  • Unity Scripting
  • Dialogue Design
  • Field & Foley Recording
  • Sound Design

About me

Hi, I'm Juan Herrera!

I’m a professional post-production editor based in San Diego, California.

During college, I discovered a deep passion for sound design and was recognized as the best sound design student in my final semester. My movie trailer redesign was showcased at my graduation ceremony.

Since graduating in 2013, I have gained a broad range of experience in music, linear, and interactive post-production.

Please find below a list of my certifications.

Interactive Audio
Live Sound
Pro Tools

Games that I’m enjoying right now:



What I do for Fun

what I do for fun - sound design